Thursday, June 11, 2009


My first bath in about TWO months! :o)
Don't I look absolutely pittie-ful?
*slurp*... momma likes the tongue shots!
Gettin' some good rubbin's - work it, daddy!
'nother tongue shot
Daddy workin' the under-carriage
That's not a grin... it's a grimace!
I'm so not amused
I've got my eye on you
More scrubbin's
Plotting my revenge...
Bring on the treats!
I like chicken liver
I also like beef jerky
What?! No more?!
Pbtptptpthhhhtp, I say!
Resigned doggie
Saddest doggie face I've ever made
A final tongue shot to end the bath series


Sunny Lee said...

You are so darn cute no matter what they do to you!!!!

Bella said...

Those are some mighty fine bath shots!